PISP API Overview

Base URL

The base URL for all PIS APIs is: https://rs1.api.stripeopenbanking.com/open-banking/v3.1/pisp/**

Supported Payment Types

The Stripe API currently only supports:

  • Domestic Payments

The Stripe API does not support:

  • International payments
  • File & Bulk payments
  • payment-details end-points
  • Domestic Scheduled Payments
  • Domestic Standing Orders

The payment request from TPP must have the creditor information.


The following apply to all domestic payment consents:


  • There is no MAX InstructedAmount/Amount mandated by Stripe API.
  • Stripe suggest PISP notify the PSU that the same limits apply as in their Stripe app. It is possible from time to time that domestic-payment-consents is authorised, but the payment initiation fails due to account limits.


  • InstructedAmount/Currency must be GBP


RemittanceInformation/Reference is a mandatory field and must adhere to the following:

  • Valid characters:

    • A-Z
    • a-z
    • 0-9
    • "space"
    • The characters "&", "-", ".", "/"
  • Contiguous characters – user enters 6 or more valid characters but without contiguous string of at least 6 alphanumeric characters

  • Must contain a contiguous string of at least 6 alphanumeric characters

  • Homogeneous string – user enters 6 or more valid characters (including valid non-alphanumeric characters) - After stripping out non-alphanumeric characters the resulting string cannot consist of all the same character

The PISP may also opt to populate reference field on behalf of the PSU

CreditorAccount requirements

CreditorAccount supports either UK.OBIE.SortCodeAccountNumber or UK.OBIE.Wallet for the Account.SchemeName parameter. Providing any other value will return an error.

  • UK.OBIE.Wallet
    • CreditorAccount.Identification: Must be the recipient account ID (e.g. acct_test_123)
    • SupplementaryData.CreditorAccount.Destination: Optional if the recipient has a default destination, otherwise the destination ID (e.g. usba_test_123)
  • UK.OBIE.SortCodeAccountNumber
  • CreditorAccount.Identification: Must be the concatenated sort code and account number, totaling 14 digits
  • CreditorAccount.Name: Must be the full name (first & last) of the recipient
  • SupplementaryData.CreditorAccount.Email: Must contain the recipient's email address

Payment dates

Payments can be made on all days including Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays

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