PISP API Overview

Base URL

The base URL for all PIS APIs is: https://rs1.api.stripeopenbanking.com/open-banking/v3.1/pisp/**

Supported Payment Types

The Stripe API currently only supports:

  • Domestic Payments
  • International Payments

The Stripe API does not support:

  • File & Bulk payments
  • payment-details end-points
  • Domestic Scheduled Payments
  • Domestic Standing Orders

The payment request from TPP must have the creditor information.

The following apply to all payment consents (domestic and international):


  • There is no MAX InstructedAmount/Amount mandated by Stripe API.
  • Stripe suggest PISP notify the PSU that the same limits apply as in their Stripe app. It is possible from time to time that the payment consent is authorised, but the payment initiation fails due to account limits.


RemittanceInformation/Reference is a mandatory field and must adhere to the following:

  • Valid characters:
    • A-Z
    • a-z
    • 0-9
    • "space"
    • The characters "&", "-", ".", "/"
  • Contiguous characters – user enters 6 or more valid characters but without contiguous string of at least 6 alphanumeric characters
  • Must contain a contiguous string of at least 6 alphanumeric characters
  • Homogeneous string – user enters 6 or more valid characters (including valid non-alphanumeric characters) - After stripping out non-alphanumeric characters the resulting string cannot consist of all the same character

The PISP may also opt to populate reference field on behalf of the PSU

The following apply to all domestic payment consents:

CreditorAccount requirements

CreditorAccount.SchemeName supports either UK.OBIE.SortCodeAccountNumber or UK.OBIE.Wallet. Providing any other value will return an error.

  • UK.OBIE.Wallet
    • CreditorAccount.Identification: Must be the Stripe recipient account ID (e.g. acct_test_123)
    • SupplementaryData.CreditorAccount.Destination: Optional if the recipient has a default outbound destination, otherwise the destination ID (e.g. gbba_test_123)
  • UK.OBIE.SortCodeAccountNumber
    • CreditorAccount.Identification: Must be the concatenated sort code and account number, totaling 14 digits

The following apply to all international payment consents:

CreditorAccount requirements

CreditorAccount.SchemeName supports UK.OBIE.IBAN, UK.OBIE.BBAN and UK.OBIE.SortCodeAccountNumber (see special case mentioned below). Providing any other value will return an error.

Please ensure to send all required additional SupplementaryData as mentioned in the SupplementaryData section below.

Note on sending a domestic payment from a different currency

If you choose to send a domestic payment to a GB recipient from a supported currency on your Financial Account other than GBP, please use the International Payments API instead and enter the DestinationCountryCode as GB. You may then specify the CurrencyOfTransfer as mentioned below. You may use the UK.OBIE.SortCodeAccountNumber scheme for the CreditorAccount. Note that the payment will still land in GBP in the user's bank account.

CurrencyOfTransfer requirements

CurrencyOfTransfer should always be a supported currency on the user's Stripe Financial Account. This is the currency in which Stripe will debit the user's balance. Users must hold money in that currency at Stripe to be able to send a payment. You may use the AIS APIs to list the user's balances.

DestinationCountryCode requirements

DestinationCountryCode should represent the country code of the country where the recipient is based. See the tables below for acceptable values for the DestinationCountryCode.

InstructedAmount/Currency requirements

InstructedAmount/Currency can be any currency. The user can specify the instructed amount in any currency and Stripe will do the required FX to extract money from the user's Stripe account and send the money in the recipient's destination currency (see note below).

Note on recipient destination currency

Stripe only supports payments that land in the recipient's local currency. For instance, when sending a payment to a France based recipient, the payment will post to the user's bank account in Euros.

SupplementaryData requirements

Stripe's Open Banking API requires you to send additional data in the SupplementaryData field to ensure a successful payment. The full schema of SupplementaryData is included at the end of this document.

The following fields are necessary for all payments, except those made with the UK.OBIE.Wallet scheme with a pre-existing Stripe recipient account ID:

  • SupplementaryData.CreditorAccount.Email: Must contain the recipient's email address
  • SupplementaryData.CreditorAccount.EntityType: Must be either individual or company depending on the type of the recipient

Note: SupplementaryData has additional optional fields that are required for a successful payment depending on the destination country:

Additional required bank account information for international payments

The following table mentions the bank account details you must send about the creditor depending on the destination country and the scheme name.

  • Country refers to the country of the Creditor (DestinationCountryCode)
  • SchemeName refers to Initiation.CreditorAccount.SchemeName
  • Identification refers to Initiation.CreditorAccount.Identification
  • RoutingNumber refers to SupplementaryData.CreditorAccount.BankAccountDetails.RoutingNumber
  • BranchNumber refers to SupplementaryData.CreditorAccount.BankAccountDetails.BranchNumber
  • SwiftCode refers to SupplementaryData.CreditorAccount.BankAccountDetails.SwiftCode
Country SchemeName Identification RoutingNumber BranchNumber SwiftCode
AU UK.OBIE.BBAN Account Number BSB
CA UK.OBIE.BBAN Account Number Transit Number Institution Number
US UK.OBIE.BBAN Account Number Routing Number

Additional required information KYC information for international payments

The following table mentions the additional KYC data you must send about the creditor depending on the destination country and entity type.

  • Individual refers to SupplementaryData.CreditorAccount.Individual
  • BusinessDetails refers to SupplementaryData.CreditorAccount.BusinessDetails
Country Required fields Required if EntityType=individual Required if EntityType=company
AU SupplementaryData.CreditorAccount.Email Individual.DateOfBirth BusinessDetails.Address
SupplementaryData.CreditorAccount.EntityType Individual.Address
CA SupplementaryData.CreditorAccount.Email Individual.DateOfBirth
FR SupplementaryData.CreditorAccount.Email Individual.DateOfBirth
US SupplementaryData.CreditorAccount.Email Individual.DateOfBirth BusinessDetails.Address
SupplementaryData.CreditorAccount.EntityType Individual.Address

SupplementaryData Object

The SupplementaryData is an Optional object that contains additional information that Stripe requires in some cases. Please read the tables above to ensure you send all the required data for a successful payment. The shape of the object is defined below:



  • CreditorAccount (object, required): Information about the creditor's account.



  • Email (string, optional): The email address of the creditor. Example: "foo@bar.com"

  • Destination (string, optional): Identifier for the recipient's Stripe OutboundDestination object. Example: "gbba_12135r2524542"

  • EntityType (string, optional): The type of entity the creditor represents. Allowed values: "individual", "company"

  • Individual (object, optional): Details about the individual creditor. Required if EntityType is "individual".

  • BusinessDetails (object, optional): Details about the business. Required if EntityType is "company".

  • BankAccountDetails (object, optional): Details about the bank account.



  • Name (string, optional): The full name of the individual creditor. Example: "Jean Dupont"

  • DateOfBirth (string, optional): The date of birth of the individual creditor in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD). Example: "1990-05-15"

  • Address (object, optional): The address of the individual.



  • RegisteredName (string, optional): The registered name of the business.

  • Address (object, optional): The address of the business.



  • RoutingNumber (string, optional): Refer to the table below for the expected value per country.

  • BranchNumber (string, optional): Refer to the table below for the expected value per country.

  • SwiftCode (string, optional): Refer to the table below for the expected value per country.

SupplementaryData.CreditorAccount.Individual.Address and SupplementaryData.CreditorAccount.BusinessDetails.Address

If the Address is required, please provide all the properties you have in the below mentioned spec.


  • CountryCode (string, optional): The country code of the address.

  • PostalCode (string, optional): The postal code of the address.

  • State (string, optional): The state or province of the address.

  • City (string, optional): The city of the address.

  • Town (string, optional): The town of the address.

  • Line1 (string, optional): The first line of the address.

  • Line2 (string, optional): The second line of the address.

Example payment request for an international payment to US

The following shows an example payment request to the US using the guidelines above:

  • The DestinationCountryCode is "US"
  • The SchemeName for the CreditorAccount is UK.OBIE.BBAN as mentioned in the Bank Account Details table
    • The Bank Account Number is set in CreditorAccount.Identification
    • The Bank Account Routing Number is set in SupplementaryData.CreditorAccount.BankAccountDetails.RoutingNumber
  • The name of the creditor is set in CreditorAccount.Name
  • Additional data about the creditor is set in SupplementaryData.CreditorAccount
    • Since SupplementaryData.CreditorAccount.Email and SupplementaryData.CreditorAccount.EntityType is needed for all payments, those properties are filled
    • According to the KYC table, SupplementaryData.CreditorAccount.Individual.DateOfBirth and SupplementaryData.CreditorAccount.Individual.Address is required for individual creditors based in the US.
  "Data": {
    "ConsentId": "consent_us12345",
    "Initiation": {
      "EndToEndIdentification": "e2e_id_us12345",
      "InstructionIdentification": "instr_id_us12345",
      "CreditorAccount": {
        "SchemeName": "UK.OBIE.BBAN",
        "Identification": "123456789",
        "Name": "John Smith"
      "InstructedAmount": {
        "Amount": "1000.00",
        "Currency": "USD"
      "CurrencyOfTransfer": "usd",
      "DestinationCountryCode": "US",
      "SupplementaryData": {
        "CreditorAccount": {
          "Email": "john.smith@example.com",
          "EntityType": "individual",
          "Individual": {
            "Name": "John Smith",
            "DateOfBirth": "1985-07-15",
            "Address": {
              "CountryCode": "US",
              "PostalCode": "10001",
              "State": "NY",
              "City": "New York",
              "Line1": "123 Broadway",
              "Line2": "Apt 4B"
          "BankAccountDetails": {
            "RoutingNumber": "111000025"
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